Approach & Value Proposition
We service your business needs by modernizing, architecting and building your information systems solutions. Our unique generative engineering approach coupled with a flexible software development lifecycle methodology produce high-quality systems substantially faster and more cost-effectively than traditional development methods. Our solutions’ maintainability, agility and the reusability of the solution components create exceptional value.

What We Do
We analyze your close to obsolescence or outdated systems and modernize them to state of the art technologies of your choice. Our tools and techniques are applicable to virtually any software challenge. We have already applied them to new application development, enhancements, platform migrations as well as a full set of data management and data quality control systems.

How We Do It
At Codiscent we have developed a unique toolset for re-factorization of information systems. We “read” your old systems, reduce them to their most basic components and re-engineer a 100% equivalent solution in any modern technology. Our methods are designed to evolve an architecture for your solution in parallel with discovery of requirements to achieve accelerated delivery while maintaining solution quality.

Learn More
Download our whitepapers, presentations and product and methodology documentation.
Codiscent Services is a unique company that helps its customers improve performance along every measurable dimension of software development. We accelerate delivery, increase enterprise agility and decrease Total Cost of Ownership while simultaneously reducing risk.
Codiscent’s differentiation is our proprietary technology that set our customers ahead of their competitors. We guarantee delivery of solutions that are high-quality, on-time and within budget and we support and maintain what we deliver.
We do it better, cheaper and faster.